Crossbow Rules Of Purchase

Exemption to Possess Crossbows Document - /assets/files/GIC - Crossbows.pdf
Control Of Weapons Act 1990 -$FILE/90-24aa062%20authorised.pdf
*Please note the purchase of crossbow accesories, bolts, cocking devices etc. does not require a licence*
To purchase a crossbow, we require the following information;
- Full Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Date of Birth (must be over 18)
- Evidence you are allowed to purchase, e.g member of Archery Australia, Archery Victoria, Australian Deer Association, Gippsland Deer Stalkers Club, North Eastern Deer Stalkers Association, Shooting Sports Council of Victoria, Sporting Shooters Association of Victoria, Victorian Deer Association, Victorian Field and Game association. Or a valid Chief Comissioner's Approval.
- Date and Time of Sale
- Serial Number of Crossbow
*Please note, sale of crossbows are at the full discretion of Eliza Archery*
General Rules
- You MUST use a trigger lock when the bow is not in use
- The crossbow MUST NOT be readily accesible
- Must be concealed from plain sight during transportation
- The Crossbow must ONLY be used at approved archery ranges.
State Rules
- Victoria: A permit to acquire a prohibited weapon must be present including a certified copy of a current photo ID or the original. This is the link to the Victoria Police websites application form. Slingshots, crossbows, double edged knives, laser pointer etc. are considered a prohibited weapon. Financial members of Archery Australia, ABA, Deerstalker Association or crossbow clubs are exempt from licensing. However, you must apply in writing/email Victoria Police licensing services and ask for exemption. Please keep a copy of VIC Polices reply, along with your current membership card and photo id. If you are a member of any of the above associations, you must be 18 years of age and already a member for 6 month, before you can purchase a crossbow. To view a list of prohibited weapons please follow this link:
- Western Australia: From September 9th 2011, crossbows are considered a prohibited weapon in Western Australia. A current prohibited weapons permit issued by WA Police/Licensing Services is neccessary or alternatively a Governours Exemption must be in posession. Slingshots are illegal in WA and can't be sold.
- New South Wales/ACT: A permit to accquire a prohibited weapon must be presented to us including a certified copy of a current photo ID, weapons permit and signature. The xbow must be sent to a licensed xbow dealer in NSW that will hand over the xbow and acts as a broker. Slingshots are prohibited weapons in NSW and a permit is essential.
- Queensland: A permit to accquire a dangerous article must be submitted including a certified copy of a current photo ID and signature. The weapon must be transfered to a QLD licensed (M license) dealer who will hand over the weapon to you. You will need to provide us with the dealers license number and contact details. From 2009 a permit to accquire a Laser Pointer/Sight will be neccessary. Slingshots are currently (period) available for sale without the need of a permit. People must be over the age of 18.
- South Australia: A genuine reason to accquire a prohibited article must be provided including a certified copy of a current photo ID and a current archery club/archery association membership with up to date residential adress, or photo ID along with hunting permit issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. If you do not hold an archery assosiation member ship or aren't an archery club member, or not possess a hunting permitt, you will have to contact SA Police Licensing Services for further info, on how to obtain a permit. There is currently no restriction in accquiring a laser sight. Slingshots are a dangerous article and an excemption (permit) must be presented.
- Northern Territory: No permit is required to accquire a crossbow and laser sight. We will need a copy of your current drivers license and a current utility bill showing your current residential adress. (Period) Slingshots are illegal in NT and not available for sale.
Eliza Archery takes no responsibility and/or liability for products that are used incorrectly. It is the owners responsibility to check, maintain and operate their equipment safely. We recommend to refer to the products owners manual for the safe use of equipment, and recommend to use the safety equipment recommended by the manufacturer. Upon purchasing a crossbow, you acknowledge that if you are injured or injury is cause through the use of the bow, you give up all rights in law that you may have to sue for that injury.